About Us

Royerton Elementary

Royerton Elementary is located at 1401 E. Royerton Rd. near Muncie, Indiana. Our school is a part of the Delaware Community School Corporation. Royerton Elementary is a K-5 building with a student population of approximately 617 students. As sixth graders, our students attend Delta Middle School.  As freshmen, they attend Delta High School.

Our parents work actively with the school in the educational process. Participation in parent conferences, Open House, special programs, and other activities designed for students and parents is outstanding. We marvel at the number of parent volunteers we have participating in our school each year.

einforcement of positive achievement and behavior is a priority for us at Royerton Elementary. Many incentive programs are in place to encourage students to do their best both academically and behaviorally at all times.  We encourage students to exhibit exemplary school citizenship. As a result of our emphasis on positive citizenship, our behavior problems at Royerton Elementary are minimal in nature.